MSM-126 Title: China Test and Creativity KIPP Shoots, KIPP Scores, KIPP Kicks Kids Off of the Island!
A man walks into a restaurant and is shown to his seat by the hostess. The waiter approaches and asks, “Would you like to try our house special? The man replies, “No, just bring me a steak, and make it lean”. The waiter, somewhat puzzled, looks at him and replies, “which way?”
Important Tasks
A doctor got a phone call from one of his colleagues. “We need a fourth for poker,” the voice on the phone said. “I’ll be right over,” replied the doctor. As he was putting on his overcoat, his wife asked, “Is it serious?” “Oh yes, quite serious,” he said gravely. “They’ve had to call in three other doctors as well.”
On Our Mind:
Catching Up or Leading the Way
Yong Zhao
Thank you for keeping us updated. I incredibly enjoy it and discover all the information really useful.
Krav Maga
Hi guys,
I am at the Technology Integration and Instruction for the 21st Century Learner conference in Storm Lake, Iowa at Buena Vista University. I listen to your podcasts (and have given you the 4 stars on i-Tunes). Love the links, discussion and your thoughts. It gives me time to reflect, something we do not do enough of. I do have a suggestion, and this is on the technical side of the the podcast production. Please moderate the theme music, it is so loud that it drowns out the voice and is much louder than the volume of the spoken word. I have to quick reach for the volume on my i-pod, or computer so it does not wake my daughter or wife in the next rooms as I listen to you late at night when everyone is in bed. I know through using garage band that the volumes can be adjusted. It is way worse than the increase in volume of commercials on TV.
Thanks again for your great work,
Craig Cadman
Middle School Science
From ASCD:
Middle-school students create podcasts as part of place-based learning
Middle-school students at an Oregon charter school created podcasts as part of their study of a local streetcar line that used to operate near their school. Educators say the streetcar project and the podcasts are a form of place-based learning, which includes studying the history of neighborhoods, communities and buildings under the umbrella of environmental education. The student recordings are posted on the website of the regional transportation planning agency, which is considering reviving the original line.
David Bydlowski
From the Twitterverse:
- joe_bower Yong Zhao – Change without Difference: China’s Struggle with Standardized Testing #abed #edchat
- web20classroom Free Resources and Downloads for Project Learning | Edutopia
- web20classroom EduDemic » 20 Other Social Networks Teachers Should Know About
- wfryer RT @ChrisLAtkinson @bjnichols: 10 Google Forms for the Classroom #edtech #gct
- joe_bower Linda Darling-Hammond on Finland’s successes in education <<Brilliant analysis!! #abed #edchat
- thart74 – offers free proofreading for students with style and word choice analysis!
- hshawjr All teachers please take the time to watch and listen to this – it will touch your soul #edchat #ntedchat #education
- drmmtatom RT @russeltarr: Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire: #mcntech
- teromakotero shares Google releases 500 scans of Ancient Greek and Latin texts!
- librarycongress Web 2.0, comics/graphic novels, preservation among programs for #ala participants.
- deangroom MICDS – talking about their “summer reading requirements” for staff. Imagine that!
- russeltarr iPod touch in Education – Lots of inspiring ideas here!
- rmbyrne Bounce – Share and Collaborate on Screen Captures via Free Technology for Teachers – Bounce is a neat …
- brasst Nice points – Erase Unnecessary Costs by Getting Smart about Interactive Whiteboards by Lisa Nielsen
- brasst I only knew about 3 of these! EduDemic » 20 Other Social Networks Teachers Should Know About via
- russeltarr How to start developing apps for the iPhone
- stevejmoore Why Teachers Should Join Twitter
- mguhlin How to embed a Google form in Moodle – Ethos Consultancy NZ
- educatoral RT @tonnet Thank You, David Warlick On the Race to the Flop!
Remember that origami stuff we talked about before? Here’s a website that illustrates it:
Tech Tools:
Doodle – Collaborative Scheduling
DabbleBoard –
Dabbleboard is an online collaboration application that’s centered around the whiteboard. With a new type of drawing interface that’s actually easy and fun to use, Dabbleboard gets out of your way and just lets you draw. Finally the whiteboard enters the digital age!
Free Web Pages
Interesting world view:
Top 100 technology blogs for teachers
(This article is a continuation and combination of two previous lists: “The Top 25 eLearning Blogs,” and “The Top 20 Teacher Blogs“)
Report finds KIPP students outscore public school peers
The study, which KIPP commissioned, comes as the Obama administration is promoting the spread of strong charter schools as a strategy to improve urban education.
Skeptics say that the program benefits from highly motivated parents seeking alternatives to ineffective public schools and that KIPP often winnows out students who don’t fit its program.
Read more…
Prince George’s bans student cellphone use during school day
There is an epidemic of under-the-desk text messages during class, a virtual economy of exam pictures posted to Facebook, a trade in school fight videos on YouTube, they say. To combat it, the county school board voted Thursday to ban cellphones and other electronics during the school day, even as many school systems across the country are loosening their rules.
Nor will students be allowed to post photos and videos shot on school property on the Web, which would include such sites as Facebook and YouTube.
“We know for a fact that the use of cellphones on school property around this country has led to a number of problems around safety,” said Board of Education Chairman Verjeana M. Jacobs (At Large), citing issues of explicit text messages and videos of fights posted online — one case of which happened just last week at Bowie High School.
Carpe Data: In Defense of Common Standards
For me, the epiphany came on a Tuesday in September two years ago. I was sitting around a small conference table with our assistant superintendent, principal, and English chair, as we tried to determine whether we should be concerned about the reading and writing capabilities of some of the students in our senior class. Before us, across paper and laptop screen, were various pieces of data—an SAT score here, some classroom grades there—intended to aid us in making this determination.
Only they weren’t. Instead, I grew increasingly perplexed as I realized that the four experienced educators sitting around that table were engaged in a comparison of apples and oranges that was proving, well, fruitless.
Events & Happenings:
Calendar of Events:
NMSA News:
- NMSA is looking for an Assistant Executive Director.
- National Conference: Thursday, November 04, 2010 —Saturday, November 06, 2010 Baltimore, Maryland
- Need a letter to your administrator explaining the benefits of attending NMSA? How about this one?
- Registration forms are now on the website:
- Promotional Materials:
Other News:
- ISTE Eduverse Talks are the recorded sessions held on ISTE Island every week. Join ISTE in their Second Life conference location for their weekly talks on education.
- ISTE 2010 June 27-30, 2010 (Formerly NECC) in Denver, Colorado.
- June 19: ISTE Denver Metaverse Meeting 4:00 – 5:00 in Second Life ISTE Island
- Experience a virtual learning experience sim as the ISTE folks take you on an authentic silver mine tour. Meet at the Denver Convention Lobby.
- Experience a virtual learning experience sim as the ISTE folks take you on an authentic silver mine tour. Meet at the Denver Convention Lobby.
- June 19: ISTE Denver Metaverse Meeting 4:00 – 5:00 in Second Life ISTE Island
- ISTE 2010 June 27-30, 2010 (Formerly NECC) in Denver, Colorado.
- The Ohio Middle Level Association will hold their annual conference February 16 – 18, 2011.
- The Michigan Association of Middle School Educators Annual Conference is coming up March 17-18, 2011 in Coopersville, MI. Coopersville Middle School is a National Schools to Watch School. (Phone: (616) 997-3400))
- Classroom 2.0’s Live Calendar.
- Classroom 2.0’s Ning Blog: Archived content is available. (Note: No event this week due to EduBloggerCon in Denver this week.)
- Classroom 2.0’s Ning Blog: Archived content is available. (Note: No event this week due to EduBloggerCon in Denver this week.)
- Second Life:
- Regular Tuesday meetings are scheduled. See the board on the ISTE Island for up to the minute details. Check frequently this week as the ISTE Annual Convention is this week.
- Video: Educational Uses of Second Life
- Regular Tuesday meetings are scheduled. See the board on the ISTE Island for up to the minute details. Check frequently this week as the ISTE Annual Convention is this week.