MSM 251 Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes, Shawn a MODEM…
Presented in collaboration with the Association for Middle Level Education.
Jokes You Can Use:
A Texan is visiting Australia for the first time; He sees a sheep and starts laughing; he says to his Australian guide ” oh, at home in Texas, sheep are twice as big!” He then sees a cow ands bursts ” Puff, in Texas, our cows are much, much bigger!” And suddenly, he sees a kangaroo and asks, “What’s that?” the guide answers ” oh, that’s just a grasshopper…”
Did you hear about the classical pianist who was not a good speller? When she went out to buy something she left a sign on her door that said: “Out Chopin. Be Bach in a minuet”
Q. What is a musical part of a turkey?
A. The drumsticks
Boss: You should have been here at 9.00 a.m.
Employee: Why what happened?
The other day I was talking to my sixteen-year-old son, Mack. I was getting after him about his behavior. I said to him, “Mack do you know the difference between right and wrong”? He looked perplexed, so I followed “you know, like good and bad”. To this he replied, “ya, like 1-800 and 1-900”.
Business Terms:
You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You go up to her and say, “I am very rich. Marry me!”
That’s Direct Marketing.
You’re at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl.
One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you and says,
“He’s very rich. Marry him.”
That’s Advertising.
You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You go up to her and get her telephone number.
The next day you call and say, “Hi, I’m very rich. Marry me.”
That’s Telemarketing.
You’re at a party and see a gorgeous girl.
You get up and straighten your tie; you walk up to her and pour
her a drink.
You open the door for her; pick up her bag after she drops it,
offer her a ride, and then say,
“By the way, I’m very rich. Will you marry me?”
That’s Public Relations.
You’re at a party and see a gorgeous girl.
She walks up to you and says, “You are very rich.”
That’s Brand Recognition.
You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You go up to her and say, “I’m rich. Marry me”
She gives you a nice hard slap on your face.
That’s Customer Feedback!!!!
Eileen Award:
Twitter: Diana Darrow, Jason Elsom, Miles MacFarlane, Pat McCarty
Twitter Beard
(from Ron King)
For the past three years I’ve been teaching “Digital Illustration” in a local college VC program. For this terms final project I assigned the students an “Illustrative Mask” for them to create over a four week period were we focused on each phase of the creative process: Thumbnails, Sketches, Comps, and Final Art all being art directed by myself and peer reviewed.
*Includes link to model beard.
9 Skills That Every Kid Should Learn
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
Eyewash Stations
I was recently reading “The NSTA Ready-Reference Guide to Safer Science, Volume 2,” written by Ken Roy. This book is available in the National Science Teachers Association’s online store at:
In this podcast, I share Ken’s response to the following question:
“Do I need an emergency eyewash station in my middle school science laboratory, and if so, where should it be located.?”
From the Twitterverse:
How to form a real partnership with students from the first day |
Top 5 iPad apps for busy educators |
A Practical Guide For Teachers Who Just Got iPads … via @edudemic |
4 Apps For Optimizing Teacher Workflow … via @edudemic |
No Child Left Behind waivers leave disadvantaged students behind |
Build your own dinosaur: fossil models arrive for 3D printers | The Verge @pfanderson @nniiccoollee |
Via @nprnews: How Do You Say …? For Some Words, There’s No Easy Translation |
Teaching with Moodle MOOC starts tomorrow 1st Sept #learnmoodle – |
Who said it, Adolf Hitler or Taylor Swift? Pinterest user actually quoting Nazi leader #educacion #lessonidea |
20% Time In My Classroom #edchat |
Will this work in the US? UK Man gets pay-per-call number, makes money from telemarketers: |
Say What? 5 Ways to Get Students to Listen via @zite |
2 Useful Tools to Create Rubrics for Your Class ~ #fhucid #fhuedu320 #edwebchat … |
#mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. |
this little experiment is a helpful way to illustrate three essential functions of money: a store of value, a unit of account, and a medium of exchange.
Web Spotlight:
Add Images to a Google Form
Terrific tutorial by Richard Byrne.
You can use this to create visual quizzes.
Moon Phases Explained (with Oreo cookies)
Hey, Oreo cookies, what more could you want?
Hi Guys,
Thought of you when I saw this on ASCD:
Five follow-worthy ed-tech Pinterest boards
Administrators, educators will find ed-tech resources for engaging instruction, professional development
Shelly Terrell‘s 46 boards focus on a variety of resources, including digital storytelling, presentation tools, word cloud tools, online games, graphic organizers, and collaboration tools.
Eric Sheninger‘s Twitter Resources board includes tips for administrators and teachers alike, including using Twitter for professional development, how to help teachers overcome Twitter fears, and more. Sheninger’s other boards focus on personal learning networks, Web 2.0, and iPad apps for administrators.
Kristin Brynteson‘s ed-tech board includes pins on iPad apps, interactive learning sites, flipped learning, and collaborative and engaging educational resources.
All Things Technology, from Mary Lirette, features writing websites, free online books, and professional development videos in its more than 800 pins. Lirette’s main Pinterest board is chock full of educational resources and has more than 4,200 pins.
Erin Klein‘s EduTech Resources board offers users a multitude of ed-tech tips and tools, including a list of educational and ed-tech websites, ISTE sessions, instructions on how to integrate various apps with one another, resources on digital citizenship, and more.
Time Management: Planning for the Adventure
Think of planning for the school year as planning for an adventure. If we are going to teach like pirates, we’d better be well prepared for those duels and treasure hunts.
Make a List and Set a Timeline
Enlist Students to Join Your Crew
Refer to Your Outside Compass and PLN
Don’t Be Afraid to Say “No” (Arrr . . .)
Parents hope school district learns from heat cancellations
by Tim Post, Minnesota Public Radio
August 29, 2013
ST. PAUL, Minn. — Students in about two dozen Minneapolis schools without air conditioning stayed home today after the district cancelled classes due to the stifling heat and humidity.
The move came after days of criticism from parents and teachers that the district wasn’t prepared for the hot temperatures, and should have considered delaying the start of school.
By law Minnesota schools aren’t allowed to start classes before the late summer holiday.
But Minneapolis is one of 40 districts with state permission to start early. This is the district’s fifth year with an August start, and the first time classes have been affected by the heat.