MSM 510: Šaltibarščiai, Bringing You Culture for Over a Decade
Shawn and Troy reflect on the past school year. We share summer plans, thoughts on H5P, culture and more. Dave connects science, math, and computational thinking.
The CEO of IKEA was just elected president of Sweden.
- He should have his cabinet together by the end of the day.
Why did the T-Rex’s business venture fail?
- He was always short handed.
There are two words which will open a lot of doors for people.
- Push and Pull
I lost my pizza cutter, so I used a Brian Adams CD.
- It cuts like a knife.
What becomes of the Terminator when he retires?
- He becomes the ex-Terminator
Did you know that if you flip over a canoe you can wear it as a hat?
- It becomes cap-sized
Have you ever tried blind-folded archery?
- You don’t know what you are missing
Where do you go to learn how to make a banana split?
- Sundae school
My friend hit rock bottom.
- So he added “Geologist” to his resume
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
Mathematics and Computational Thinking
I was recently reading the May/June 2021 issue of “Science Scope” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association. In this issue, I read the section “From the Editor’s Desk” written by Patty McGinnis. Patty wrote an article entitled “Mathematics and Computational Thinking: A Bridge to STEM Careers.”
Science practices have changed drastically over the years as a result of digital tools at the disposal of scientists. As a result, the sheer volume of data available necessitates an understanding of data management and analytics.
Reports from the Front Lines
- Summer Time
- Student Screen Time
- Student Reports
- Parent Conferences
Future Me
‘Dirty Jobs’ host Mike Rowe: Following your passion ‘rarely works out’ — do this instead
The Twitterverse
Ontario could see ‘tsunami’ of recovered COVID-19 patients with long-term symptoms: experts
Moodle and Drupal 7 users may now start sharing their content in the H5P OER Hub! Contribute your content and help make sure the Hub is not empty when it releases!
Benefits of Books by Maria Schriven
#mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. And as Troy says, “The Twitter never stops!”
Axis: The Culture Translator
Growing Up and Glowing Up
For many teens, the pressure to “glow up” during quarantine was acute; now that COVID restrictions are lifting, that pressure is spiking again. According to Urban Dictionary, glowing up refers to improving one’s physical appearance, individual style, and overall attractiveness. Social media abounds with tips, tricks, and models to help “encourage” glow ups—but this encouragement is wreaking havoc on how many teens and pre-teens see themselves.
As Sarah Tong wrote for student news site The Black & White, “Before quarantine, I had never felt especially concerned about my physical appearance. It was only through this new overexposure to tips and tricks on glowing-up that I became increasingly aware of “flaws” that I had never even noticed before. Although I had always been athletic and healthy, that no longer felt like enough. My main focus now was to achieve the model-tier beauty standard these videos advertised.”
The pressure to glow up affects boys as well. As one parent commented to us, “Seeing my eleven-year-old boy be so self-conscious is scaring me.” So what are some principles for parents of faith to help (pre-)teens navigate this sort of pressure?
Here are some questions you might ask your teens:
- Have you felt any pressure to glow up?
- Where do you think the line is between taking good care of ourselves and becoming image-conscious in an unhealthy way?
- Do the accounts you follow tend to leave you feeling better or worse about yourself?
What Teens Need From Parents: A Counselor’s Perspective
- Be relational, but not their best friend.
- Convey enjoyment of them.
- Know what technology changes.
- Expect failure along with success.
- Care deeply, but care about other things too.
Slang of the Week
Sigma male: a male who neither submits to nor requires submission from others; a sigma male is seen by some as embodying healthy masculinity and self-confidence. Typically used in memes or YouTube videos about having a certain stoic and independent mindset, the sigma male “mascot” is actor Keanu Reeves.
Ex: “I’m not about being the leader of the pack, I’m about self-reflection and that sigma-male life.”
Slang of the Week, Part 2
Tiktok accountant (or just “accountant”): TikTok slang for an “adult content creator,” typically refers to a person who gets paid through an OnlyFans account or participates in real-life sex work. (Ex: “I know it’s hard to make money these days, but I didn’t expect her to start working as a TikTok accountant.”)
Web Spotlight:
The Japanese Art of Making Boring Tasks Better
Random Thoughts . . .
Vasaros gardumynai!
Ingredients 2 servings
- 500 g kefir
100 g beets, boiled or marinated
2 fresh cucumbers
several onion leaves
a pinch of fresh dill
1 egg
salt, to taste
400 g potatoes, boiled
dill, chopped
- Step 1/3
- Finely chop the vegetables: cucumbers, beets (you may grate these), onion leaves and dill. Mix them all in a large bowl.
- Step 2/3
- Pour the kefir over the vegetables, flavor with salt according to taste, mix and let stand for several minutes (the longer the mixed vegetables stand, the tastier the soup will be).
- Step 3/3
- Pour the soup into bowls, cut the boiled egg in pieces into the bowls. The cold soup is served with hot boiled potatoes flavored with dill.
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