MSM 552: Mental Health Day
Shawn and Troy share some jokes, summer, and more. Dave brings the pun game to Science.
What did one cell say to his sister cell that stepped on his toe?
- Hey, get off mi-to-sis!!!
An amoeba sits down to eat at a restaurant. Across the room, another Amoeba is undergoing mitosis. The first amoeba flags down the waiter and says, “I’ll have what she’s halving.”
A friend asked if he looked special in his bright red shirt.
- I told him he looked like one in a vermilion.
I gave my friend a gift certificate for mime school for his birthday.
- He’s still giving me the silent treatment.
How do you fix a broken tomato?
- Tomato paste.
Why do milking stools only have 3 legs?
- Because the cow’s got the udder.
Many people are investing in shoes these days. Some are going for hundreds or thousands of dollars. I disagree with this. Shoes are for wearing.
- That’s their sole purpose.
Did you hear about the rancher who had 196 cows?
- When he rounded them up, he had 200.
A truly good pun is it’s own reword.
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
K12Science Podcast: Chemical Puns
I was recently reading the May/June 2022 issue of “The Science Teacher” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.
In this issue, I read the “Idea Bank” column, written by Nick Thomas. He wrote an article entitled, “Chemicals Gone Funny.”
Using humor in the classroom at any level can be a gamble for teachers and most have probably experienced students collectively rolling their eyes at a corny joke. Puns, of course, frequently elicit that response along with the almost requisite group groan. Yet this ancient and simple form of humor can effectively impart a message if carefully worded, although any attempt at a science pun relies on the teacher first ensuring students understand the scientific principles tied to the humor.
Reports from the Front Lines
- New positions???
- Summer Off
- Kids and Summer
The Twitterverse
Gotta love summer!
The guy who invented the merry go round never met the guy who invented the Ferris wheel. They ran in different circles.
Ditch That Textbook @DitchThatTxtbk
Fun formative assessment: 12 easy, no-tech ideas you can use tomorrow Graffiti wall Sketch artist Quiz maker Sculptor Word puzzler and more PLUS 2 creative ways to use them
#mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. And as Troy says, “The Twitter never stops!”
How To Create Fake Text Messages
Six Ways to Add Rigor by Deepening Thinking
By Karin Hess
What does it look and sound like when your students are doing rigorous work and thinking deeply?
Raising expectations is NOT as simple as assigning difficult texts to read or using higher-order verbs (e.g., analyze, synthesize) to describe what students are going to do during a lesson.
5-Minute SEL Activities You Can Do Every Day – Virtually or In Person
…try these three activities throughout this year: Good News, Mindful Movement, and Hot Seat.
What’s Going on With This Graph?
Graphs, maps and charts from The Times — and an invitation to students to discuss them live.
Quizdini is shutting down.
New options for styling fonts in Google Forms
We’re adding additional font style and sizing options, and the ability to customize header, subheader, and body text separately in Google Forms.
One Pagers Refresh!
The one pagers include a range of distilled research from educational psychologist, edu-Twitter influencers and inspirational teachers.
Jamie Clark (@XpatEducator)
AXIS The Culture Translator
Can’t Find It
What it is: People are expressing dissatisfaction (language) with the way Google’s flagship product, its search engine, has changed over the past few months as it seems to rank sponsored content and ads more highly than before.
Web Spotlight:
Moving Beyond SAMR with the Rigor Relevance Framework
While there are many different frameworks to choose from when it comes to the effective integration of technology, SAMR is typically the one that most people and schools leverage. At face value, it is relatively straightforward while conveying how the use of technology can move from enhancement to transformation.
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