MSM 270: We’re Baaaaacccckkkk….with Numbers, Yoga & Advisory! Yogurt optional . . .
Presented in collaboration with the Association for Middle Level Education.
Jokes You Can Use:
A guy walks up to the door of a bar, rolling a wheel along with him. The bouncer says, “Hey, what are you doing with that?”
“Last time I came here, they said we had to have proper IDs and a tire.”
The teacher wrote on the blackboard, “I ain’t had no fun all summer.”
“Now Paul,” she said. “What shall I do to correct this?”
“Get a boyfriend.” Paul replied.
Dad: “What happened to your eye?”
Tom: “I was staring at a ball from afar, and I was wondering why it was getting bigger and bigger. Then, it hit me.”
Stranger: Catch any fish?
Fisherman: Did I! I took 25 out of this stream this morning.
Stranger: Do you know who I am? I’m the game warden.
Fisherman: Do you know who I am? I’m the biggest liar in the country.
Q. What’s the difference between a cat and a comma?
A. A cat has its claws at the end of its paws; a comma is a pause at the end of a clause
Why did the owl make everyone laugh?
“Cause he was a hoot!
A kindergarten teacher handed out a coloring page to her class. On it was a picture of a duck holding an umbrella. The teacher told her class to color the duck in yellow and the umbrella green, however, Bobby, the class rebel, colored the duck in a bright fire truck red. After seeing this, the teacher asked him: “Bobby, how many times have you see a red duck?” Young Bobby replied with “The same number of times I’ve seen a duck holding an umbrella.”
Eileen Award:
Google+: Kris Ham,
58 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names
77 Facts That Sound Like Huge Lies But Are Actually Completely True
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
I was recently reading the January, 2014 issue of Science Scope, a magazine written for Middle School Science Teachers, published by the National Science Teachers Association. In this issue, I was reading the article, “Supporting Linguistically Diverse Students” written by Joseph Johnson, Randy Yerrick, and Erin Kearney.
In this article, they look six strategies to help provide success for English Language Learners.
From the Twitterverse:
RT @ToddWhitaker: So true.
* Seymour Simon @seymoursimon 49m
If you’re a teacher and you don’t know what a #hashtag is, you’re missing out on a community of helpful colleagues #teacher
* Ryan Bretag @ryanbretag 19m
Interested in presenting at the Chromebook Institute? Visit here for more info: … #chromebookinst #chromebookedu #gafe
Trend Alert: 6 Messaging Apps That Let Teens Share (Iffy) Secrets
* Kevin Cummins @edgalaxy_com 51m
Massive collection of maths ideas and lesson plans. Fractions, Algebra, Space, measurement, and more
Our sharing circle bringing back all we learned from @MI_MAMSE to our fellow Chipps!
* Monte Tatom @drmmtatom Mar 28
4 Reasons Why You Need A Course Syllabus Dashboard ~ #highered #fhucid #sigadmin
The Strength of Simple Videos ~ #fhuedu642 #fhuedu320 #edwebchat #tn_teta
Two Great Web Tools to Create Visual Stories ~ #edwebchat #fhucid #fhuedu320
#mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. And as Troy says, “The Twitter never stops!”
How to Trick a Child Into Playing the Violin (or Other Boring Things)
the fact is, incentivizing a child’s behavior reduces intrinsic motivation (also HERE). This is even true to the point that offering incentives for an activity that a child likes detracts from his or her enjoyment and makes the child less likely to continue the activity in the future.
A hint comes from THIS article published in the March/April issue of the journal Child Development. Specifically, the authors from Northwestern University ask how they can “motivate children’s sustained engagement in an otherwise boring task.”
kids who were given causally rich information made it through an astounding 4 pegboards. Read that again: interesting information beat stickers! Stickers,for gosh sake!
because causally rich rewards inherently capitalize on children’s intrinsic desire to learn, we suggest that they may be less likely to have this detrimental effect on a child’s overall intrinsic motivation.”
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Wheel
Classic Books
Evolution of a Story from Idea to Publication: A Behind-the-Scenes Look
Explains the writing process from a writer.
Web Spotlight:
Two months in, Eli Broad’s new foundation president still learning the ropes
Reed began two months ago as president of the Broad Foundation, a newly created job. He’ll take over deciding who receives millions of dollars in education grants on behalf of the philanthropist who some say has an inflexible agenda to shape schools.
“It would look like a national system,” said Broad, describing what he would see as a perfect education infrastructure. “Rather than having 14,000 school boards across America, it would get governors involved, big city mayors involved, and it would have a longer school day and a longer school year.”
Virtual autopsy: explore a natural mummy from early Egypt
Free CopyRight Courses
Peer 2 Peer University is again offering some free courses on Copyright and Creative Commons for educators. Copyright for Educators and Creative Commons for Educators begin in March and run through early May. Copyright for Educators has an enrollment limit and requires an application. Creative Commons for Educators does not have an enrollment limit nor does it require an application.
Creative Commons for Educators:
The course will run for a period of 7 weeks, as split up to the left and below. Each week has a different task to complete, which is due the following Sunday. Tasks may take anywhere from half an hour to two hours or more, depending on how much effort you and your small group wants to put in that week. Like most things in life– the more time you put into it, the more you will get out of it.
Course break-down
3 March – Week 1: Introduce yourself and your classroom need
10 March – Week 2: Creative Commons in Context
17 March – Week 3: Find the materials with the rights you need
24 March – Week 4: Remix and attribute
31 March – Week 5: Share your work
7 April – Week 6: Collaborate and create
14 April – Week 7: Share your resource about CC
Good Parenting Skills