MSM 310: Google Stuff, Book Stuff, Middle School Stuff.
Jokes You Can Use:
Where do skunks go to pray?
The pew.
What sound does a squirrel make when it sneezes?
Why did Mozart kill all his chickens?
He asked them who their favorite composer was: “Bach, Bach”
How do you stop bacon from curling in the pan?
Take away their little brooms.
Eileen Award:
- Facebook: Jack Berckemeyer (Happy Birthday).
- Alex Felton
Vizier Closed Circuit Camera Ads:
“There is much more truth that you are blind to” is an ad for Vizier CCTV products, but reminds us that we don’t always see the whole story.
Pictures to respond
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
Nature of Science
I was recently reading the March, 2015 issue of “Science Scope,” a magazine written for middle school science teachers, published by the National Science Teachers Association.
In this issue, I read the article, “Why Theories Do Not Change Into Laws,” written by Sissy Wong and Tonya Jeffery. In the article, they discuss the importance of integrating Nature of Science in instruction throughout science instruction.
From the Twitterverse:
Glen Westbroek @gardenglen
Easy 2 use! “How to Create Custom, Multimedia Maps on Scribble Maps – No Account Required” #EdChat … |
MiddleWeb @middleweb
Responsive teachers learn to scaffold lessons so all students succeed, says @regieroutman … #elachat #educoach #edchat |
Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher
Free Technology for Teachers: Email Etiquette Tips for Students and Teachers |
Alec Couros @courosa Aug 12
“A Guide to Crap Detection Resources” from @hrheingold … #diglit #eci832 |
NPR @NPRextra
Going to the #NatBookFest15? Use this guide to plan your day: |
#mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. And as Troy says, “The Twitter never stops!” |
Dictation in Google Docs
For an easy way to put words on a page, you can type with your voice in a document. At the moment, this feature is only available in Chrome browsers.
- Before you get started, make sure that you have a working microphone either built in to your device or connected externally.
- In a Chrome browser, open a document.
- Click the Tools menu > Voice typing.
- A pop-up microphone box will appear. When you are ready to speak your text, click the microphone or press Ctrl + Shift + S (Cmd + Shift + S on a Mac) on your keyboard.
- Speak your text clearly, at a normal volume and pace. See below for more information on using punctuation.
- When you’re finished, click the microphone again.
Note: While voice typing in Google Docs is only available on computers, many Android and iOS phones and tablets have built-in microphones that you can use with a document. Look for the microphone icon on your mobile keyboard.
Correct mistakes while voice typing
If you make a mistake while you’re typing with your voice, you can move you cursor to the mistake and fix it without turning the microphone off. After correcting the mistake, make sure to move the cursor back to where you want to continue voice typing. You can also right-click words underlined in grey to see a list of suggestions.
He argues that instead of collecting homework, marking problems right and wrong and then handing papers back with a grade, a teacher could tell each student nothing more than the number of wrong answers that can be found on their papers.
He argues that instead of correcting grammar and punctuation mistakes FOR students, teachers should make simple marks in the margin indicating sentences where students have made errors.
5 Common Teaching Practices I’m Kicking to the Curb
- Popcorn Reading
- Giving Students Prepared Notes
- Whole-Class Punishments
- Using Learning Styles to Plan Instruction
- “Differentiating” by Having Advanced Students Help Struggling Students
Wildcard – Know the Day in News & Entertainment
Wildcard is a news curator app. It brings you the stories of the day, which is convenient if you are teaching current events in a social studies class. Do keep in mind that it is editorially curated.
Google for Education Cheat Sheet
Need a back to school cheat sheet for the +Google Docs updates? Click on the link in the show notes for new templates and ways for Docs to make you look better.
Google Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Love #Chromebook keyboard shortcuts, but can’t keep track of them all? Hit “ctrl + alt + ?” for the ultimate cheat sheet. #chrometip
Start with Why
Simon Sinek discusses the principle behind every successful person and business. A simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?”
Google Share to Classroom
Want to share a webpage with the entire class? Use the new Share to Classroom extension to get your #GoogleClassroom students on the same (web)page, instantly.
Plickers App
All the great things about Plickers, and more! In an app! You can preplan questions, not just on the fly and record answers on the Plickers website. Great for putting into a portfolio at the end of the year!!
NoiseTrade Books
Books for personal use. Free for the exchange of information. They also accept “tips”.
Web Spotlight:
How The Ballpoint Pen Killed Cursive