Animoto: Vote Early, Vote Often
We’ve talked about Animoto on the podcast a little and I saw a presentation using it so I decided to delve into it further. Here’s three short videos I made using the Animoto website. I kept a lot of it the same as I made small changes to show off the variences they talk about when referring to remixing video multiple times to get different products. Which one do you like? Cast a vote in the comments section.
March 2, 2009 @ 10:06 pm
I like #2. Don’t you love Anitmoto. It’s recently been unblocked in my district. Yay!
March 2, 2009 @ 10:09 pm
Just got my educator’s promo code. I’m going to play with some longer length stuff. I also like it and we’ve recently opened up some space at school to store short videos like this. I can start building a library of clips to use. How have you used it?
March 8, 2009 @ 11:15 am
I’ve been looking at Pulp Motion from Freeverse software as well. It looks like it has similar features. If my educator code expires, I’d have to pay for my creations at Animoto. With Pulp Motion, I’d pay for the software once and the creations are mine. That and it incorporates the music from my iTunes from within the program. I made a parasite video for one of the Science teachers and it was a hit last Friday.