Podcast 72: The Twitterverse, Jail??, and Free Stuff!
Events and Happenings:
- The National Middle School Association is looking for an editor for their Research in Middle Level Education Journal (RMLE).
- NMSA’s Middle Level Essentials Conference April 23-24, 2009.
- NMSA ‘08 Technology Focus Video. This video spotlight focuses on the building of the technology demonstration classrooms at last year’s Denver Annual Conference.
- NMSA ‘09 Elections must be in by May 15th.
- Schools to Watch Conference June 25-27, Washington D.C. Conference registration info.
- Educational Technology Leadership Conference, June 24th at Holt High School, Holt, MI. Register for the event.
- Any information on the Ontario Middle Level Association? Their site has gone dark and we hope this does not mean the demise of the Association.
- NMSA ‘09 Invitation Video: Indianapolis, IN Conference November 5-7, 2009.
- ATTENTION Michigan Association of Middle School Educators & Friends: MAMSE is putting together a bus for the trip to the National Middle School Association’s Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN this fall. Ride down to the conference in a luxury bus with satellite access for Twittering, Facebooking, and other 21st Century technology access for less than $100.00. With all the conversations with middle school teachers on the bus, I wonder if we could call this a mini-MAMSE conference? There’s nothing like getting together with people who love the people we love: our students. Getting together with folks like that is energizing and priceless. Email Teresa Sutherland for information and details. Don’t forget to mention you heard about it on Middle School Matters.
- The National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform will be holding their annual conference in June. See the flyer at their website for details.
- Brainyflix extends their “video vocabulary” contest to May 22, 2009.
- Classroom 2.0’s Live Calendar.
- Classroom 2.0’s Ning Blog: This week’s discussion is on the uses of Digital Storytelling for Teachers. Archived content is available.
- Second Life:
- No Events specified. Regular Tuesday meetings are scheduled. See the board on the ISTE Island for up to the minute details.
- Video: Educational Uses of Second Life
- There is a conference being held by ISTE in Second Life, wander over to the auditorium behind the Headquarters to check it out.
iTunes Reviews:
We’re at 8, we are throwing down the gauntlet to make it to 10.
From the Twitterverse:
- michelledodd Have you seen Twitter Handbook for Teachers by @lasic? (via @elemtech)@suewaters
- michelledodd Nat Geo Infinite Photograph will be cool http://tinyurl.com/clpyvr (via @mmkrill)
- rrmurry RT @jerridkruse: Curriculum demands hinder effective teaching – kinda like missing the forest for the trees:
- KevG The Force appears to be strong in Strathclyde http://is.gd/sQLW
- SirKenRobinson At Milwaukee airport. Official wall sign after security searches reads Recombobulation Area. Great that someone sees the joke in all this.
- netsupport Retweeting @ErikaSays: Create your own Picasso: http://www.mrpicassohead.co… – cool!
- netsupport RT @cchater: RT @mrdatahs: If a teacher had designed Twitter: .. http://tinyurl.com/c73n7y – this looks great! Anyone used it so far? (This is Edmodo which we’ve talked about before on the podcast.)
- cindybrock http://www.readwritethink.org some great reading activities for students.
- Humor: AndreaWeiss I love this post on @dudeman718 blog http://is.gd/rVSJ – heard men’s choir do it a month ago, laughing nearly caused aneurysm. (Very creative. Way too much time on this guy’s hands. Jackson-Dawson needs to hire this guy.)
- librarycongress Shakespeare’s Birthday Reading: William Shakespeare’s 445th birthday will be celebrated at the Library of Congress … http://tinyurl.com/dhqrr7
- librarycongress Lincoln Exhibit Closing Date and Hours Extended: Because of overwhelming demand, the Library of Congress is extending … http://tinyurl.com/cq94u4
- AngelaMaiers How Twitter makes you a better writer. http://TwitPWR.com/9Pl/
- russeltarr #englishteacher Simile of the Day Generator! http://tinyurl.com/dbq6r2 (RT @dianadell @ChristaAllan)
- Music, Art, and Science intersecting: AngelaMaiers RT@tedtalks- Demo AlloSphere, a stunning new way to see and hear complex scientific data http://is.gd/syYk
- AngelaMaiers Free ebook from ASCD: Educating the Whole Child (limited time download) http://blog.genyes.com (check to see if membership required).
- russeltarr Amaztype: Enter a topic, get a fantastic graphic made up of Amazon book links – http://twurl.nl/e5vxen
- netsupport Retweeting @gurnage: Good morning! I just sent my mom and dad “what’s your NPR name?” – funny: http://is.gd/sCyl (thanks @jacksonCJ1)
- edupreneur Alexandria, VA Schools Superintendent Offers Plan to Revamp Middle Schools: –@PostSchools
- LeoLaporte Unfollowing anyone who mentions Kutcher, Oprah, or uses the word Internets. Satisfying. #unfollowfriday
- cookp RT @russeltarr Moodle Tutorials – Educating Educators http://tinyurl.com/dlcz33
- bethanyvsmith So I’m thinking we need some edtech Nerd Merit badges http://nerdmeritbadges.com/
- Looking for software to make better use of Twitter? Try Nambu (Mac OS X only) or Tweetdeck (cross platform – built on Adobe Air).
Web Sitings:
- Google Earth Overlays- http://www.gearthhacks.com/userfiles.php?user=1698
- Creative Commons – http://creativecommons.org/ Licensing information
“Troy and Shawn,
Great show this week. I liked the idea about decorating classroom doorways. I think we’ll try it this September as an ice breaking activity.
Two questions: 1) I am trying to come up with an all school middle school read for the summer. My school is mainly boys. Any suggestions? 2) I would like to assign a book to the teachers for the summer as well. Any suggestions for us teachers?
Keep up the great work! Maybe I’ll have all the teachers listen to all 70 some-odd MSM podcasts over the summer. It’s worth it.”
Book Ideas:
- For the kids:
- What if . . .
- You tied in a historical fiction piece to your social studies curriculum?
- You tied in a piece of local biography or state/local history?
- Examples: The Bark Covered House by William Nowlin, Bunyan and Banjoes by Kitty Donohoe, The Local News by Miriam Gershow, and Dearborn, Michigan by Craig Hutchinson.
- You then had them present their stuff in some format when they returned from summer break? Learning Contracts?
- You made it a fundraiser through Barnes & Noble where the kids could purchase off of a preselected list? This gives you control over the choices, but still gives them a choice.
- What if . . .
- For the teachers:
Beth Wellington said:
I’m not sure of the excellence of the [izzit.org] teachers guides. Looking a recent one on pay caps for executives who receive bailout money, for instance, while there are two articles w. differing views, the discussion questions have a conservative skew. My suspicions were aroused further by the fact that there is no staff page, nor a funding page, which you will find at many non-profits.
Anyone know who the funders are for this site? The staff? The The email to teachers offering a free video on how sun spots cause climate change came from Kara Glaven, who lists her title as “Teacher Support.” When I looked her up on LinkedIn, however, her title was “Marketing/Customer Service at Palmer R. Chitester Fund.”
Rob Levine’s Media Transparency profile says
The Palmer R. Chitester Fund was created…with startup money from the Bradley Foundation, to create right wing “popular” media, and lately has taken to selling educational materials based on the error-prone reporting of ABC TV’s arch-conservative correspondent John Stossel. Its Idea Channel distributes “intellectual” videotapes on conversations between mostly members of the right wing movement on topics ranging from political science to economics to history.”
Izzit Staff page.
Kara Glaven presents at the Ohio Council for the Social Studies.
Kara Glaven on another teacher resource page.
Kara Glaven cited in the newspaper.
Kara Glaven marketing videos.
Kara Glaven marketing more videos.
Rick Platt presents at the Florida Council for the Social Studies.
Rick Platt presents awards.
Rick Platt also works for Free To Choose Media (a PBS series).
Rick Platt works with Good Neighbor Law to fund inner-city trips for kids. (“Throughout the whole presentation, students and teachers were asked to generate their own questions for further discussion.”)
Rick Platt‘s post in Businessweek.
Candy Mead
Dawnn Warner ‘s Linkedin page.
Dawnn Gilbert Warner‘s production credit page.
Persons referenced in Izzit.org’s videos:
Host Scott Bakula’s political contributions.
Drew Carey’s political contributions.
David Robinson references.
Milton Friedman’s Bio. His Facebook group page.
Leonard Read’s Bio and his essay referenced in one of the videos.
John Stossel was at one time directly affiliated with Izzit.org. He has his own video distribution network. His site is linked to Izzit.org.
Stossel’s political essays.
Praise & Criticism
New York Times Articles
ABC video
Conservative Watchdog Report on Stossel
Liberal Watchdog Report on Stossel
Let’s just put them all in jail 24/7
“…and let’s face it, we’re talking about nothing less than institutionalizing “child labor” to satisfy a failed belief that higher standardized test scores will reliably lead to a stronger economy, more prosperous citizens, and a vibrant democracy.”
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Can learn anything!
Bring passion back into education — and kick out the standards!
Virginia Mobile Learning Apps Development Challenge
Virginia to use iTunes U in new education initiative