MSM 349: Teach those video and audio skills.
Jokes You Can Use:
“There are so many cemeteries in your neighborhood.”
“I know, people are just dying to live here.”
The magazine about ceiling fans went out of business…
… due to low circulation.
One day, I saw a friend of mine crying over a bag of chips.
I asked him what’s wrong and he said that he was just following the instruction written on the bag of chips.
“Tear here to open!”
George Washington was such a great president.
He never blamed any of the country’s problems on the previous administration.
My sister explained to my nephew how his voice would eventually change as he grew up.
Tyler was exuberant at the prospect.
“Cool!” he said. “I hope I get a German accent.”
Eileen Award:
- iTunes: Anonymous Listener
How are we different than the rest of the world?
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
Science Cafes
I was recently reading the November, 2016 issue of “Science Scope,” a magazine written for middle school science teachers, published by the National Science Teachers Association.
In this issue, I read the the article, “Science Cafes.” It was written by Arianne Bazilio, Amy Ryan, and Jennifer Welborn. The article describes an affordable, easy-to-implement model that introduces young girls to STEM-related topics, careers, and role models.
From the Twitterverse:
Civil rights activist Rosa Parks was born today in 1913. Students consider her legacy in this lesson plan:
This was a good @lifehacker read: Everything You Need to Shoot Good-Looking Video With Your iPhone – #edtech
Google Classroom: Check In with Students via alicekeeler #DitchBook #gsuiteedu
How Being Bored Makes You More Creative
Dinosaurs Didn’t Read! Don’t Risk It! #edchat #education
How is Finland building schools of the future? Interesting.
How Schools Build A Positive Culture Through Advisory via @TeachingChannel #edreform #edchat #stemed #edpolicy #stem
EdTech K–12 Magazine @EdTech_K12
Help your #students create solid @Google Portfolios by following these steps:
#mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. And as Troy says, “The Twitter never stops!”
Positive Notes
A simple idea built on a suggestion from my friend Chris Tuttell, Kudos Cookies are short, handwritten notes of praise paired with a sweet treat. I write anywhere from two to eight notes every morning — depending on how much time I have after arriving at school — and make deliveries all day long.
The good news is that Matt Townsley and Santo Nicotera have found a solution. Both are starting every faculty meeting with the same agenda item: Writing positive notes to two kids that are hand delivered the next morning.
Teaching Good Study Habits, Minute by Minute
Take studying, for example. If you are a parent of a struggling or resistant learner, you’ve probably heard more than one person suggest, “She just needs to study more.” Most kids think this means filling in a study guide or rereading a chapter. But many don’t learn by writing or reading. Their strengths lie in the visual, kinesthetic, musical, or social realm. How, then, are we to help our children develop their studying skills?
Twisted wave
Audio editor. Available online or for Mac and iOS. (Think of GarageBand).
Need to register for a free account. Free account is limited to 5 minute projects and one hour total. Projects are kept for 30 days.
Hemingway App
Interesting writing feedback for students.
“Now, when we say “grade level,” we aren’t saying that’s who you’re writing for. In fact, Ernest Hemingway’s work scores as low 5th grade, despite his adult audience. What our measurement actually gauges is the lowest education needed to understand your prose. Studies have shown the average American reads at a tenth-grade level — so that’s a good target.”
Google Forms
Use them to collect information for yourself.
Web Spotlight:
Charter Schools spend MORE on administration
A new report finds that New Orleans schools spend more on administration and less on teaching than than they would have if they had not undergone a transformation to charter schools after Hurricane Katrina.
The drop in instructional expenses — $706 per student — is due mainly to lower salaries and reduced benefits for instructional staff, Harris and Buerger found.
But salaries make up just a third of the instructional spending drop. Half of it is due to reduced spending on benefits.
Random Thoughts . . .