MSM 440: Retake a Mystery Photo Contest and Other Stuff . . .
Mystery Photo Contest
Hello fellow photo sleuths!
For your frustration, we submit to you nine more super-hard, super-obscure publicity stills that the Library is trying to identify.
This new batch, like others in the previous MPC series, came to the Library’s Moving Image section as part of a much larger collection of film, TV and music stills. Most were properly identified, but these are among those that stumped us.
So we need your help. Do any of the people, places or things below look familiar?
A few words of caution:
- We’ve tried web-based reverse-image searches; they don’t work.
- We have no information beyond what is listed below. There are no dates, locations or titles. They may not be from the United States.
- Standards of proof: We’d most like to see the same photo, with the person’s name, in a newspaper, magazine or somesuch. Failing that, another image from the same photo shoot, but with the person named
Good luck to one and all!
Bluff The Listener
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
Test Retakes
I was recently reading the August, 2019 issue of “Science Scope,” a magazine written for middle school science teachers, published by the National Science Teachers Association.
In this issue, I read the article “Creating a Self-Sufficient Classroom,” written by Katelyn McGlynn and Janey Kelly. In this article, we learn how various teachers have developed strategies to help students improve on assessments with which they were unhappy.
From the Twitterverse:
You can watch the live stream of my #avedtech keynote at 11:30am EST at #edtech #gsuiteedu #GoogleEdu #ControlAltAchieve
Middle level peeps #AMLEasks will be a weekly question about middle grades from
@AMLE follow the hashtag and join in Questions drop 7 pm ET on Monday’s! #mschat #colchat
Diving into the Five Critical Levels of Professional Development Evaluation with an amazing group of colleagues. What a great Friday afternoon! #proudtobeLBUSD
I found this story really interesting. It raised a lot of good questions about the relevance of today’s math curriculum. #mtbos #iteachmath
Quote Tweet
Ninety percent of the data ever created by humanity was produced in the last two years. But are the students graduating high school prepared to understand it?
In anticipation of #WorldTeacherDay, we asked #students if they had anything they’d like to share with the #teachers in their lives. And no, we’re not crying, our eyes are just… sweating.
Happy #WorldTeacherDay 2019
Happy #WorldTeacherDay from all of us at XQ. —- #ReThinkHighSchool Learn more about XQ: Video is here:
Don’t forget #mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm EST. Look for your host Todd Bloch to have a middle school topic all ready to go! Make it a strategic part of your personal professional development.
Spaced Practice
I’m sometimes asked by other teachers how I show my students the positive effects of spaced practice. By definition, it takes time to see the results of spacing out your practice of material and this fact makes it more difficult to demonstrate in class. This past week, however, I was granted that perfect moment of instruction when it all came together and I was able to say, “See…I told you this stuff works.”
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