MSM 447: Don’t Make Your Social Studies Teacher Cry!
“Every day, the feuding codebreakers had cryptic cross words.”
“How much does it cost to buy a large singing group?”
“A choir?”
“Okay, fine… how much does it cost to ‘acquire’ a large singing group?”
“A courthouse is where you can play indoor tennis.”
“Only a nickel for an embroidered pinwheel?
Good buy, crewel whirled!”
My doctor was giving me a hard time about my health. To get back on his good side I bought a puppy and named him ‘Five Miles’.
That way, when I went to see my doctor I could tell him, “I walk five miles every morning!”
55 times people had no idea what they were looking at
Middle School Science Minute
by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or
Middle School Science Minute: Making Science Come Alive with Clouds – Part 2
I was recently reading the November/December, 2019 issue of “Science Scope,” a magazine written for middle school science teachers, published by the National Science Teachers Association.
In this issue, I read the “Integrating Technology” section. The title of the article, within the section was “Making Science Come Alive with Clouds,” written by Marile’ Colo’n Robles, Jeffrey Bouwman, and Caryn Smith-Long. This is the second podcast in a two part series. Part 1 focused on the GLOBE Observer app and the second part will focus in on Investigations with the GLOBE Observer app taking place at Shumate Middle School in Gibraltar, Michigan.
The new GLOBE Observer app allows the general public to make observations of clouds, map out habitats of disease-causing mosquitoes, measuring tree height, and identify land cover from any mobile device.
From the Twitterverse:
Typical EduCelebrity@EduCelebrity
Administrators must give ample time to their special education teachers to write IEPs. A single “IEP Day” is insufficient for all they need to do. It’s like giving them a five dollar gift card to Saks Fifth Avenue or a coupon for 10% off at Hammacher Schlemmer.
Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.@dbc_inc
FREE Pajama PD! #DitchSummit = NOW! Read Dave’s latest blog w/a guest appearance from #DitchBook #DitchHW author, @jmattmiller (And #TechLAP in 2020!) Sign up info inside. #tlap #LeadLAP #dbcincbooks Dave Burgess @burgess_shelley @burgessdave
This giant elephant toothpaste experiment has been conducted by Nick Uhas and David Dobrik and it’s possibly one of the biggest reproduction of the rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide [full video:] [more about the experiment:]
The new #EffectiveCompassion feed is now live! You can listen to the trailer and subscribe here:
Kristina A. Holzweiss #HackingSchoolLibraries
My grandmother passed away from Alzheimer’s. Years ago, she left home and was lost for hours before a policeman found her. She didn’t understand English. Please record a video about your loved one using @Flipgrid and create a #qrcode bracelet for them. It could make a difference.
The education system in #HongKong continues to be viewed as a threat. Whether its liberal studies or teachers not being sufficiently patriotic. In the end, children will likely be affected, limiting their personal development & potential. Art 29, Convention Rights of the Child.
Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 @XinqiSu
#THREAD HK Education Minister said the authority will adopt harsher measures on teachers arrested and complained in protest-related incidents to “correct mistakes”. Around 80 teachers were arrested in #HKProtests and 123 complaints on teachers were filed to the Buro.
Fixing Education@FixingEducation
Educators, enjoy your much deserved break. For the next couple weeks, you will be able to… •Use the bathroom when you want •Wake up at a reasonable time •Drink coffee when it’s hot •Go out to lunch •Sit down occasionally
Don’t forget #mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm EST. Look for your host Todd Bloch to have a middle school topic all ready to go! Make it a strategic part of your personal professional development.
Students’ Civic Online Reasoning: A National Portrait
The results—if they can be summarized in a word—are troubling
Question 1 How do students across the United States perform on assessments of civic online reasoning?
Overall, students struggled on all of the tasks.
The Website Evaluation task had the highest proportion of Beginning scores, with 96.8% of students earning no points.
Nearly all students floundered. Ninety percent received no credit on four of six tasks.
Education moves slowly. Technology doesn’t. If we don’t act with urgency, our students’ ability to engage in civic life will be the casualty.
Our results are sobering.
Planets to Scale
Mind Missions – Language Arts & Social Studies
Social Studies instruction is enriched when students are given opportunities to experience the people and challenges of the past. In our lessons, students develop a deep understanding about historical people and events by constructing solutions to solve their problems. Mind Missions encourage students to interact with history as they learn it.
At the same time, Mind Missions develop skills critical for the future – encouraging creativity, developing problem-solving ability, and strengthening teamwork skills.
Web Spotlight:
Native, But Not Adept
I became part of the alt-right at age 13, thanks to Reddit and Google
New Data: Students Who Read On Tablets Score Poorly In Reading
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