Homework Solutions and the Power of Zero
This week on the broadcast we mentioned some homework solutions. We’re going to do a podcast on homework and common assessment in a future podcast. Homework seems to be the primary issue in the “Zero Tolerance Policy.” Finding ways to get homework in or mitigate the experience. Barbara De Santis has a creative solution that engages student responsibility. She gives her students a “pink slip” on which they write their name, assignment, and date. They also have a place to write down their “excuse” or check off the standard ones. (Didn’t see “Dog ate it” though.) Here’s the link to “The Pink Slip“. If you’d like to see the layout you can click here. I like Harry Wong’s statement at the bottom of the page, “Call it sharing; call it stealing; call it research; call it collaboration, call it collegial learning. Our ears, eyes, and mind must always be alert for what others are doing and how it is working for them.” In that spirit, share with us what you’re doing in your classroom.