MSM 465: Ukulele, with a side of Historical Stalking


Did you hear about the test pilot who flew over the rainbow?

  • He passed with flying colors. 

I had a dream last night that I was a muffler

  • I woke up exhausted

Since they cancelled the Hockey season, no one has seen the Zamboni driver. I’m not worried though. 

  • He’ll resurface eventually

I keep trying to come up with a telescope joke. I haven’t given up yet. 

  • I’m still looking into it.

Why are eskimos frustrated with donuts?

  • Never any variety. They are always frosted

I  have a friend who writes songs about sewing machines. 

  • She is a Singer songwriter

When does a joke become a “Dad” joke?

  • When it becomes apparent

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

Middle School Science Minute: Inspiring Earth’s Future Stewards

I was recently reading the April/May, 2020 issue of “Science Scope,” a publication for middle school teachers, published by the National Science Teaching Association. 

In this issue, I read the “From the Editor’s Desk” column “Inspiring Earth’s Future Stewards,”  written by Patty McGinnis.

She discusses how we will be turning this world over to a new set of stewards — stewards who must cherish and care for our Earth in its entirety. 

Reports from the Front Lines

The Twitterverse

AudioMass – A Free, Registration-free Audio Editor

Jeff Crews @crewsertech

Diane Ravitch @DianeRavitch

Carol Burris: Charters Are Looting Federal Funds Meant to Save Small Businesses

Larry Ferlazzo @Larryferlazzo

South Korea closes schools again after covid-19 spike – The Washington Post

CBC Toronto @CBCToronto

“It’s like having your own isolation unit,” said John Krohnert of Platinum RV, a dealership in Erin, Ont.

Ian Jukes


End Zoom meeting…

Look for your host, Todd Bloch, to have a middle school topic all ready to go!  Make it a strategic part of your personal professional development.   


Return to Sender


Online audio editor.  They compare themselves to Audacity.

Why you should read Moby Dick

A whole series of why you should read is available.

The Series:

Online Color Test

Are you among the 1 in 255 women and 1 in 12 men who have some form of color vision deficiency? If you work in a field where color is important, or you’re just curious about your color IQ, take our online challenge to find out. Based on the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue Test, this online challenge is a fun, quick way to better understand your color vision acuity.

Just remember, this is not a replacement for the full test!

Web Spotlight:  

Has This Crisis Really Changed Schools?

With respect to those who stand in awe of all that’s changed about schools in the past few months, I would ask “what’s actually changed?”

Click the Play button below to listen to the show!