MSM-127 Back Channel and Boy Crisis


Serious Questions
A police recruit was asked during the exam, “What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?” He said: “Call for backup.”

Great News
While eating in an expensive restaurant, a patron overheard the gentleman at the next table ask the waitress to pack the leftovers for their dog. It was then that his young son exclaimed loudly, “Whoopee! We’re going to get a dog.”

Lord Send Me A Hundred
A little boy wanted $100 badly and prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. Then he decided to write a letter to the Lord requesting the $100. When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to the Lord, USA, they decided to send it to the President. The President was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill, as this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy. The little boy was delighted with the $5.00, and sat down to write a thank-you note to the Lord. It said: Dear Lord, Thank you very much for sending me the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington, DC and as usual, those jerks deducted $95.

On Our Mind:

ISTE 2010 and Back Channels . . .
What do you get when you mash up a former VP of the World Bank, a PowerPoint, and a bunch of tech savvy educators?

Conference Survival Gear
Maxpedition Mongo Bag


Teachers in Illinois use iPod Touch to customize lessons
One Illinois school district will have teachers and students using iPod Touch devices in classrooms this fall. District staff received 15 hours of training on using the devices for individualizing lessons and helping students improve reading fluency by listening to their recorded voices reading aloud. “This is the way students are wired to learn, and we are looking at every method to make learning more engaging and stimulating for our students and teaching more exciting for our staff,” the district’s superintendent said.
David Bydlowski
Science Consultant

Hey Guys — I still need to respond to your response to my response to the UDL article!  I came a cross this link today – and thought you might be interested — — it does go with the UDL topic.

later – jen

From the Twitterverse:

  • gardenglen WOW! RT @wbasinger: RT @ChrisLAtkinson: Web.AppStorm – 10 [More] Killer Dropbox Tips and Tricks
  • drmmtatom RT @gcouros: 10 ways to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning… « What Ed Said via @phsprincipal
  • drmmtatom RT @GMcKBlogs: School Uses Video Games To Teach Thinking Skills #fhuedu642
  • K4sons  iApps Users Group meets on VSTE ISland at 1:30 Second Life time Monday, July 5th. Come ready to share one cool app for iPad iPod or Droid.
  • ssandifer  @jonbecker For me, my PLN (for lack of a better term) are more like a Critical Friends Group…
  • deangroom Blogged. Working and sharing docs on the ipad. An better alternative to Pages #ipad for the mobile edtecher
  • teach42  ISTE 2010 Resources from my presentations up at Teach42:
  • lhoog “Speak with your students not at them.” Rushton Hurley #iste10 #TIE2010
  • pgoerner RT @web20classroom : Check out the #ISTE10 Diigo Group for great resources shared at the conference:
  • BethRitterGuth RT @jenisecook: RT @edteck: Thinking about #ISTE10 ? Try the Taxonomy of Reflection #edtech
  • cybraryman1  I have gone to & presented at many conferences. Very important for morale, support, collaboration & learning #ntchat
  • lthumann  How to: WiFi Tether a Motorola Droid to an iPad #ipad #iste10 – will try this later today


Xtranormal:  Go Play!  Report back here what you learned.  We’ll talk about it on the show.

Tech Tools:

WordPress Now Lets You Phone in Your Blog Posts

You can already write and publish WordPress blog posts from your iPhone, iPad, Android, e-mail and desktop, but now you can also post audio via your phone.

Aviary in Education:
A safe, private environment to use Aviary tools with your students

  • Create private student accounts
  • Manage assignments and projects
  • Use the image editor, vector editor, audio editor & music creator
  • All content and images are 100% school safe


Putting the “Boy Crisis” in Context

Finding solutions to boys’ reading problems may require looking beyond gender
“The Boys Have Fallen Behind.” “Girls Lead the Nation in Reading Scores.” “Are Teachers Failing Our Sons?”

Word Games

Google Apps Education Training Center

Welcome to the Google Apps Education Training Center. This is an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.
Access to a Google Apps Education account is strongly recommended so that you can experiment and apply what you learn.

Shout out:

Thanks to InFocus for the shout out on Twitter and for the USB drive at the conference!  ()


International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE 2010)

10 Leadership Components of Effective Technology Leadership
Observation:  This session is filled with folks.  Standing room only.  10 mins. to go to presentation too!
“Very quick and inappropriate” video. Old lady sets off airbag.  Patience is not only a virtue, it’s a money saver.  Here’s the link:

Sponsor info:
Presenter:  Chris O’Neal

“Storm the stage” – Alternate title.
His website: and this presentation’s site:
T to (?)
Equity of access.
This should include access at home.
We should have this between 8 & 3:30
We should not use tech as a reward but as a tool.
Our problem is not enough tech to use in the classroom.
Understanding and Using Data.
Rigor and relevance.
Effective Professional Development.
Think individual schools and individual grades.
Walk the walk, talk the talk.
We have to model the tech we want people to use.
Vision: collaborative and authentic:  http://tiny
Using a google survey/form in a faculty meeting.
Write down what your technology vision is for your school/district/students.
Have the staff write down what their technology vision for your school/district/students.
Throw it into wordle and see what commonalities pop up and what differences you need to address.
Reward growth.
Look for the ASCD survey on rewards.
Reward those who push themselves outside of their comfort zones.
Genuine Reflection
NSD says that reflection is critical to integrating PD.
Student-driven technology
Get student managers
PLN.  You need one.  Your teachers need one.

NETS-A:  National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators
1. Visionary Leadership
2. Digital Age Learning Culture
3. Excellence in Professional Practice
4. Systemic Improvement
5. Digital Citizenship

Presenter’s website and local for presentation notes:
Fellow attendee’s blog about the session:

By the way, if he goes up to you and gives you a smiley-face sticker . . .

Events & Happenings:

Calendar of Events:

NMSA News:

Other News:

  • ISTE Eduverse Talks are the recorded sessions held on ISTE Island every week. Join ISTE in their Second Life conference location for their weekly talks on education.
    • ISTE 2010 June 27-30, 2010 (Formerly NECC) in Denver, Colorado.
        • Experience a virtual learning experience sim as the ISTE folks take you on an authentic silver mine tour.  Meet at the Denver Convention Lobby.
  • The Ohio Middle Level Association will hold their annual conference February 16 – 18, 2011.
  • Second Life:
    • Regular Tuesday meetings are scheduled. See the board on the ISTE Island for up to the minute details.  Check frequently this week as the ISTE Annual Convention is this week.
    • Video: Educational Uses of Second Life