MSM 558: I’m The Problem


Shawn and Troy talk about NFT’s in education, kids learning BEFORE they are supposed to, Dot Day, share some resources, and more. Dave has citizen science about Air Quality.


Did you hear what the salad said to the dressing when their dating got more serious?

  • Lettuce get married

Have I already told the one about deja vu?

I’m going to get rid of my vacuum…

  • It was just gathering dust

How many sodas does a bird have?

  • Tucans!

My friend always introduces himself as Stephan with a P-H

  • That’s because he’s slightly acidic

What’s a pirate’s favorite letter of the alphabet?

What kind of socks does a pirate wear?

  • It just depends on their wealth status. The rich ones wear argyle, but the poor ones usually wear yarn.

What did the police officer say when arresting the mime?

  • You have the right to be silent

Have I already told the one about deja vu?

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

K12Science Podcast:  Air Quality with CanAirIO

I was recently reading the September/October 2022 issue of “Science Scope” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  

In this issue, I read the Citizen Science column, written by Jill Nugent.  She wrote a column entitled, “Getting a Sense of Local Air Quality.”  

CanAirIO is a citizen science project using mobile and static sensors to measure air quality with cell phones and low-cost technology.  They are looking to build a citizen network, an air quality map that will allow them to know what we are breathing and how we can improve life quality.  With the data collected, official air quality numbers can be validated because what can be measured can be improved.  For more information, please visit:

Reports from the Front Lines

  • Kids Taking a Quiz BEFORE they are supposed to
  • H5P Presentation
  • Coaching

Eileen Award

  • Eileen

The Twitterverse  

Ms. V. Paris  @vakesia

In celebration of National Dot Day, I read this book to my Advisory class. They really enjoyed it and understood the moral of the story! #TrojansForward

@ACormierRuss@gwschattle281@TeagueMS_AISD@TRod_Math13#iTeachMoreThanMath #iEducate

Susie Dent  @susie_dent

The first episode of my Foreign Words of the Week series with @RosettaStoneUK is up and running, with some favourite untranslatable words from around the world:

. Please do subscribe if you enjoy these as much as I do.

Word of the day is the German ‘Kopfkino’, your ‘mind cinema’: when you play out the dramatic narrative of an (often unpleasant) event in your head.

WeAreTeachers  @WeAreTeachers

It’s been a long week, OK?

AIMS  @aimsnetwork

5 Low-Stakes Activities to Help Teens Open Up – From #sharing common #interests to making #connections through books and music, these engaging exercises provide stepping stones for teachers to build #relationships in the classroom. #AIMSWHOLEChild

Carl Azuz @CarlAzuz

To the BEST AUDIENCE IN THE WORLD: Thank you for your posts, your concerns, your messages and your kindness. Here’s what’s been going on:  

I promise this wasn’t a plant, that I didn’t plant for this, that it wasn’t my master plant and that it didn’t come from another plantet. But it stemmed from something that grew on me and I couldn’t leaf it alone.  

#mschat every Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.  And as Troy says, “The Twitter never stops!” 


Conversational Comic Strips

What are NFTs, and What Role Can They Play in K–12?

Nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, have mainly gained popularity with digital artists because they can sell unique versions of their work via blockchain, which keeps a public record of ownership. The total value of digital art, audio and other NFT sales this year is likely to eclipse 2021’s $40 billion.

NFTs aren’t in routine use in most K–12 environments today, but some educators are exploring applications for the tokens.


12 Good Places to Find Historical Images to Spark Inquiry

The vast majority of the images that you will find in the collections listed above are public domain or Creative Commons-licensed images. That said, you should always double-check the usage rights before downloading any images from the galleries.

Maze Generator

Language Arts Graphic Organizers with Google Drawings

Graphic organizers are a powerful tools for language arts. Students can use them to plan an essay, compare and contrast characters, detail the sequence of a story, explore the meanings of a word, and much more.

Open Library

Books in this collection may be borrowed by logged in patrons.  You may read the books online in your browser or, in some cases, download them into Adobe Digital Editions, a free piece of software used for managing loans.

Please note that works in this collection are protected by copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code) and copying, redistribution or sale, whether or not for profit, by the recipient is not permitted unless authorized by the rightsholder or by law.

See FAQs about borrowing books.

Libraries can participate in our Open Libraries program and lend these digital titles to their patrons by filling out our online form.

AXIS:  The Culture Translator

Mappiness Is

What it is: The “Mappiness Project” aimed to aggregate data from volunteers to determine which activities felt the happiest. They concluded that happiness is most often found in natural environments, like on hiking trails.

Character Building

What it is: Notion is a free app that can be used as a productivity tool or a journal. It’s especially popular on #studytok. Some TikTokers have been using Notion templates to hack their personal growth.  

Song of the Week  “Romantic Homicide” by dv4d: climbing 17 spots to #6 on Spotify’s Weekly Top Songs USA chart, this depressing guitar dirge is about imagining killing a lover, and feeling no pain or regret afterward. The song gives voice to some of the darkest feelings that can come with relationships—feelings of fear, disappointment, and pain. Although it’s unlikely that a song like this would lead to actual homicide, still, listen for it as a sign that your teen might be dealing with profound heartache. For the lyrics, click here; for the music video, click here. 

Web Spotlight:  

What 4 Atypical Shocks Are Coming in Education?

  • Federal funding will end: Fiscal Cliff (September 2024) 
  • Enrollment is declining 
  • Inflation and labor 
  • Economic slowdown (recession)

12 things you didn’t know about Google Doodles

Every August, Jessica Yu and a carefully selected committee of Googlers from various backgrounds begin the delicate — and joyful — process of choosing which Google Doodles will appear on the Google homepage in the coming year. They begin meeting regularly in the summer and usually wrap up by late October.

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