MSM 570: Drop A Little NOLEJ on Yourself


Shawn and Troy discuss the NOLEJ beta, discuss AI, the Social Web, and more. Dave demonstrates why we should demonstrate. 


A man walks into a dentist’s office and says, “I think I’m a moth.”

The dentist says, “You shouldn’t be here. You should be seeing a psychiatrist.”

The man replies, “But I am already seeing a psychiatrist.”

The dentist says, “Well then what are you doing here?”

And the man replies, “Your light was on.”

Did you hear that people in Minnesota are very excited this year?

  • Summer is forecasted to be on a weekend!

There’s a big difference between a bee from the UK and a bee from the US.

  • A UK bee carries pollen, a US bee carries data

Ice fishing

  • The hardest thing about ice fishing is boring.

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

K12Science Podcast:  Demonstrations

I was recently reading the November/December 2022 issue of “Science & Children” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  

In this issue, I read the “Methods and Strategies” column, written by Christopher Roemmele, Steven Smith, Sarah Nern, Brett Criswell, and Miss Holzer.  They wrote an article entitled, “Don’t Forget the Demo.”  

Demonstrations are defined as the manipulation of materials and equipment for learners to observe one or more aspects of scientific principles or phenomena, providing students with the opportunity for engagement of Science and Engineering Practices and Cross Cutting Concepts.

Reports from the Front Lines  

  • – Beta Testers
    • Automatically convert documents (Text, Video, Audio) into dynamic active learning content through the use of our AI. What used to take instructional designers hours, can now be done by anyone in minutes. 
  • AI Art
    • Student Presentations
  • Fun with Cron Jobs

The Social Web  

Peter Greene  @palan57

How Can We Teach Writing In A ChatGPT World? Via @forbes

PUNS  @ThePunnyWorld

Robin: “The Batmobile isn’t starting!” 

Batman: “Did you charge the battery?” 

Robin: “What in the world is a tery?”  

I got into a fight with 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. The odds were against me.

Jason Snell  @jsnell

RIP Twitterrific for macOS.

Susie Dent  @susie_dent

Word of the day is ‘pantophobia’ (19th century): a fear of/anxiety over absolutely everything.

Ray Schroeder  @rayschroeder

A Teacher’s Prompt Guide to ChatGPT – Andrew Herft, Curriculum Advisor at NSW, Dept of Education, Sydney NSW Australia Welcome to this short instructional teachers guide to using ChatGPT. #highered #teachersguide #Chatgpt  


Text Chat Animator

Create realistic fake text chat animations that simulate messaging apps!

Export them for free as a video or GIF to create stories, commercials and memes.

Strict-sounding teachers less effective in classroom, research reveals

Strict-sounding teachers are worse at inspiring the classroom than their kind colleagues, research has revealed.


FPV Dive Burj Khalifa Top to Bottom – André Larsen

Diving the Worlds Tallest building, Burj Khalifa has been a big part of my job. Here is one of many dives i’ve done from this building.

Change Your Life – One Tiny Step at a Time

Advisory idea?

Drawn in 60 Seconds

Important events in history made easy to understand in sixty seconds of animation.

Created by Dr Elliott Watson

Web Spotlight:  

The Most Ridiculous and Weird Tech Gadgets From the Last 25 Years

The radical, forgotten experiment in educational integration that changed my life

In 1971, kids from Roxbury and Lincoln spent half the year attending school together in the city and the other half in the suburb. Fifty years later, I tracked down my fellow students to see how it shaped them — and whether something like it could work today.

Benedict Cumberbatch reads a letter from Kurt Vonnegut at Letters Live, Hay Festival

Part of the ‘Letters Live’ event at the Hay Festival 2014. Recorded in the Tata Tent on 31st May 2014. Benedict Cumberbatch reads a letter by Kurt Vonnegut to a headmaster who had just burned all the copies of a particular book by Kurt in the school’s furnace. This letter is taken from the book ‘Letters of Note’ by Shaun Usher

This was the fifth letter Benedict read of the Letters Live event on this day. This also includes the ‘bows’ at the end, with Rob Brydon, Louise Brealey and all the other readers, and Benedict throwing his rose into the audience.

So sorry its a bit wobbly at times but the chairs were quite rocky!

I do not own the copyright, and thank Hay Festival, Letters Live, Shaun Usher, Simon Garfield, Cannongate books, the readers and all behind the scenes for the most wonderful, enlightening event. Who knew Letters could rock quite so much?! If you’ve not read the books they are DEFINITELY worth a read – Letters of Note by Shaun Usher and To the Letter by Simon Garfield.

Click the Play button below to listen to the show!