MSM 582: When Speaking in Spammish, Shouldn’t There Be An Accent?


Shawn and Troy share testing, email woes, time markers, and more. Dave has some great books (and some feedback from last week’s show). 


It’s nice to live in a small town, because if you don’t know what you are doing, someone else does.

She wanted a séance. I wanted a palm reading.

– So we found a happy medium.

Car died. Had to call Uber to go get my tux pressed. $55.

– Man, was I taken to the cleaners.

Luxury coffin? 

  • That’s the LAST thing I need.

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

Best STEM Books 2023 for Middle School Students

I was recently reading the March/April 2023 issue of “Science Scope” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  In this issue, I read an article on the Best STEM Books 2023 for books published in 2022.

Best STEM Books winners explore problems and possible solutions in the scientific world and, where applicable, in the lives of the protagonists.  Instead of focusing on specific content, the Best STEM Books emphasize real-world issues that cross disciplinary boundaries.  There were six books in the list that were most appropriate for middle school students.  They are:

  • American Murderer: The Parasite that Haunted the South
  • Break Down: Explosions, Implosions, Crashes, Crunches, Cracks, and More……A How Things Work Look at How Things Don’t
  • Concrete: From the Ground Up
  • No Boundaries: 25 Women Explorers and Scientists Share Adventures, Inspiration, and Advice
  • Science Comics: Bridges: Engineering Masterpieces
  • Superpower? The Wearable-Tech Revolution

Reports from the Front Lines

The Social Web  

Susie Dent  @susie_dent

Word of the day is ‘confelicity’: joy in the happiness of others.

Ryan Reynolds  @VancityReynolds

Everything I own smells like champagne, beer and grass. I’m still somewhere between giggling and sobbing. This town and this sport is one of the most romantic things on earth. Thank you, @Wrexham_AFC 

Also from Susie Dent:  

I love these lost markers of time: overmorrow: the day after tomorrow. ereyesterday: the day before yesterday. yestreen: yesterday evening. yestermorn: yesterday morning. sennight: a week (seven nights, just as ‘fortnight’ is fourteen nights).  

Bodo Hoenen  @BodoHoenen

Here is the pitch I gave on stage at #asugsvsummit We are so excited to have launched the first of three tools we are building to power the future of learning!



FAQ: The Playlist Model

Q1: How Long Should Students Work on a Playlist?

Q2: What Is The Best Format to Present a Playlist?

Q3: How Do I Track Student Progress?

Q4: What Do I Do With Students Who Are Done Early?

*See Podcast 572 for the Playlist Model

Set Up New Co-teaching Relationships that Snap!




With AI comes a lot of uncertainty, and there are undoubtedly some blurred lines. However, I was recently inspired by Ted Lasso to “be curious, not judgmental.” He explains in the popular show, during a beloved scene, that asking questions before forming judgments and opinions shows curiosity and can lead to more informed decisions. So thanks, Ted! I am now personally trying this approach when it comes to AI tools.

Historical Photos of Mount Rushmore Before the Famous Faces

Eigo AI

Eigo.AI uses AI technologies to generate listening, reading, and speaking lessons for English learners. Each lesson is available in three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each lesson includes:

  • A subtitled video;
  • A reading passage with comprehension questions;
  • A speaking practice activity;
  • A vocabulary review quiz


Discrete Option

Instead of presenting all answer options to choose from at once, the options are shown successively in random. One at a time. For each option, the test taker will have to decide whether it is correct or not. That leaves four possible scenarios for each option:

  1. The option is incorrect, and the test taker marks it as incorrect: The next option will be presented if there are any left.
  2. The option is incorrect, and the test taker marks is as correct: The test taker failed. The test is over.
  3. The option is correct, and the test taker marks is as incorrect: The test taker failed.
  4. The option is correct, and the test taker marks it as correct: The test taker passed. The test is over.

Web Spotlight:  

Free Concert:  Postcards From Italy

AXIS:  The Culture Translator


What it is: Emma Camp writes in an op-ed for the New York Times about the “aestheticization” of neurodivergence.

Repair, Reparent, Repeat

What it is: The Atlantic spoke to several psychologists about breaking negative parenting cycles.

Slang of the Week

DonoWall: A term, often used in Twitch chat, for when someone donates to a streamer and the streamer doesn’t respond to the message in the donation, or the “dono.” The term is often accompanied by this gif of someone talking to a wall. (Ex: Donation: “Thanks for all the streams. They’ve really helped me through my breakup with my girlfriend.” Streamer: “…” Chat: “DonoWall”)

Random Thoughts . . .  

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