ISTE 2011: Monday

I can’t believe the number of people here this year! Walking down the halls is tough no matter if its the Exhibit Hall or if its the outer halls to the conference sessions. I tried three different 2:00 pm sessions and all were full LONG before I got there. One was full 60 minutes before the actual session started. Ouch. Musical Chairs is On!

I met a listener to the show today! Gabe made my day today and I’m glad he came up and introduced himself.

Lots of great sessions today varying from Steve Dembo in a Family Feud suit and crowd sourcing answers to questions to Dr. Helen Barrett leading a discussion on electronic portfolios.

If you’re at ISTE and find me, I have a Middle School Matters gift for you (while my supplies last). I’d love to meet any of you at the conference. Looking forward to tomorrow and more great stuff!