MSM 590: Stitches and Staples


Shawn and Troy talk about H5P, summer, socials, and more. Dave builds some science. 


Out of the zillions of weddings that have occurred, not one bride has married the best man.

At night cowpokes would tightly tie two lanterns to the ends of a horizontal pole on their steed.

It was the first saddle light navigation.

I heard southern e-mail options have a Reply Y’all.

How did Noah see to navigate at night?

Flood lights.

Finished TWO books yesterday.

Man, that was a lot of coloring.

I saw the electric pencil sharpeners in Staples but failed to find the electric pencils.

Many a helicopter pilot has been active in the Rotary Club.

As a kid you also get to watch your parents grow up.

I told a joke about a one-legged chair.

It didn’t sit well.

John’s doing two sets of crunches a day — Cap’n in the morning and Nestlé at night.

Did the person who coined the phrase “one-hit wonder” ever come up with anything else?

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

K12Science Podcast:  Building Science Engineer 

I was recently reading the May/June 2023 issue of “The Science Teacher” a publication of the National Science Teaching Association.  

In this issue, I read the “Career of the Month” column, written by Luba Vangelova.  She wrote an article entitled, “Building Science Engineer.”

Broadly speaking, building science involves the study of how heat, air, and moisture move through a building’s components.  Andrea DelGiudice is an associate principal and unit manager specializing in building enclosures (exteriors).

Reports from the Front Lines

  • Podcast Feed Update
    • Shawn’s suggested show artwork (Diffusion Bee):  
    • (Prompt:  middle school student 1932) 
  • H5P Presentation
    • Documentation Tool

The Social Web

Fermat’s Library  @fermatslibrary

This is one of the biggest numbers you can find in a physics paper. It’s the expected distance one would travel before encountering another visible-universe-sized region of space with an identical quantum state as ours.

Matt Miller  #ISTELive  @jmattmiller

Have some time for a quick virtual  field trip? Looking for a video to add to a lesson? Want to have your class listen to a fun read aloud? Our TEACHFLIX page has all that and more! Browse through tons of videos all in one spot! #Ditchbook


Drawing Challenge ACCEPTED! via Adventure in a Box #art #steam #creativity #skillbuilding

Tracy Fuentes @TracyFuentes17

My students always LOVE this activity! We did it a lot during advisory!

Quote Tweet

Jonathan Alsheimer @mr_Alsheimer

Week 1 TEACHER ACTIVITY  Simple ways to Enhance Student Engagement and have fun building relationships and community in your classroom. “TOWER OF TERROR” old school video with that new school ENERGY   Directions in video w/ Example HAVE FUN!… Show more


10 Top Cooperative #Learning Strategies via @edtechneil #education #teachersoftwitter #learning

Steve Dembo No longer @ ISTE but still buzzing!@teach42

My first presentation at #ISTELive will be @ 2:00pm in Terrace Ballroom IV. It’s focused on the work my middle school students did with ChatGPT, the activities we did, the conversations we had, and the Ethical Use Policy the students created to govern their use of AI! #ISTELive23  


Mrs. Wesley-Hosier  @MrsWesleyHosier

Exciting news friends, Google is launching an AI-powered feature on #Chromebooks that converts images to text! How awesome. DYK that there are more than 360 billion PDFs inaccessible to people who rely on screen readers? This will be a game changer.

Ten simple Rules for making good oral presentation

Dr Asma Jabeen

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Ten simple Rules for making good oral presentation.


From Dave:

I took you up on your challenge of reviewing the Anatomy and Physiology Resources from the Health and Science Pipeline Initiative.  I was really impressed with this resource.  They are really well done.  But they may not really meet the needs of middle school teachers/students.  They are kind of advanced.  I think the most appropriate section might be the “Anatomical Language.”  It helps to explain anatomical language, medical terminology and has a fifth grade appropriate body systems poster.  A middle school teacher who teaches Middle School Life Science might like to check the resources out and see if they work out.  MS LS1 1-7  Side note:  HASPI also has a middle school curriculum:  

A New Summer Tradition, a Three-Week ‘Civic Season,’ Asks Americans to Reflect on the Past and Future

Civic Season, a three-week period that stretches from Flag Day on June 14 through the Fourth of July, and includes Juneteenth and Pride Month, is a new initiative arising from a broad coalition of museums and non-profit organizations. The project aims to ask Americans, and young people in particular, to stretch the usual bounds of the red-white-and-blue festivities to include a new mission of reflection and civic engagement.

Teaching with Historic Places

Teaching with Historic Places offers a series of more than 160 classroom-ready lesson plans that use historic sites as a means for exploring American history. Educators and their students can work through these online lesson plans directly on the computer or print them out and photocopy them for distribution.

You can browse lesson plans by theme, time period, and state.

Media Literacy

Welcome to my (Wes Fryer @wfryer‘s) resource sharing site on media literacy. I’ve created this space to collect and amplify ideas and resources related to media and digital literacy.

Media Literacy Lessons from Finland

See also France 24’s Truth or Fake:  

Web Spotlight: 

Archaeologists use artificial intelligence to translate 5,000 year old cuneiform tablets.

Babylonian Engine AI Translator:  

Demo Page:  

AXIS: The Culture Translator

The Depths of Cruelty

What it is: As the search for the Titan submersible took over the news cycle last week, some people shared memes that weren’t exactly kind to the victims in this tragedy.  Start the conversation: Did you see a lot of memes or commentary about the Titan submersible tragedy?

Up for Debate

What it is: The Free Press reports that high school students are losing debates due to their personal beliefs or even their past tweets.  According to this article, some judges at local, regional, and national NSDA events openly state their biases on a website called Tabroom, which debaters are instructed to appeal to. Judges have said and continued to say that sometimes attacks on another debate contestant’s character or social media presence are acceptable, as long as they can be verified via documentation like a screenshot. Some judges have also said that certain points of view are simply unacceptable to present. Debate clubs were once an incubator for those who aspired to the public square. It would appear that now, our future attorneys, civic leaders, and politicians are being taught that the ability to adhere to a wriggly ideology is more valuable than the technical skill required to present an argument well.  

Start the conversation: Do you see the ability to express unpopular perspectives as being important and worthwhile? Why or why not?


What it is: An influencer on TikTok is going viral for reading her embarrassing and often expletive-ridden diary posts from middle school and high school. 

Why it’s relatable: Mackenzie Thomas (@dumbmackenzie) was a comedian with a relatively small TikTok following before she hit upon the idea to share her teenage memoirs. She reads from her notebooks with a deadpan seriousness, perhaps to convey the earnest tone in which they were penned. The result is cringe comedy.  

Start the conversation: Would you share your journal with an audience if it meant you could go viral?

Lauren Enders: Reimagining Canva as a Powerful Tool for AAC

In this session, you will learn how the wildly popular, powerful, and versatile Canva app can be used to support AAC Learners (either in-person or virtually). In addition to a paid Pro version, Canva offers both a free version (that anyone can use) AND the robust Canva for Education subscription that is FREE for all K-12 educators! Tune in to learn how this fun and all-around mighty tool can be used in creative ways to engage all types of learners. Demonstrations will include exciting new Canva features that even include artificial intelligence (AI). Not super tech-savvy? No worries, Canva has one of the most user-friendly interfaces around, so you can do this!

Slides or Resources for this Session

Looking for CEUs? If you watch this video on this site then towards the end you will see a survey link show up. Fill out the short survey to track your participation credit, and we’ll generate a certificate for you when you’re done watching sessions!

Let’s Rethink Teacher Retirement

I remember hearing tributes and watching skits of people I either only knew from that year or other teachers I never worked with or heard of. I recall laughing along with inside jokes I didn’t really get. I teared up as a younger teacher shared how much they appreciated the mentorship of their colleague. A could clearly feel a sense of community among these veteran teachers. 

AI Is a Lot of Work

Why do creative people need time to sit around and do nothing?

That they understood something fundamental that our fast-paced society often dismisses. And that creativity isn’t merely a product of constant labor but flourishes in the quiet moments of idleness?

A growing body of evidence suggests that periods of rest, far from being unproductive, are critical for fostering creativity. This reality holds profound implications, not only for individuals striving to boost their creative capacities but also for societies where the relentless pursuit of productivity can stigmatize periods of inactivity.

  • The Edison Method

Random Thoughts . . .  

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