Professional Practice
Middle School Matters Podcast #21
How has professional practice changed over the last 10 years?
- Medical Model.
- Teaching ALL (Each and Every) Student
- Inside-Outside in the Middle Reflective Strategies for Middle Level Teachers by David L. Puckett
- Drumming to the Beat of a Different Marcher by Dr. Debbie Silver
- Data
- Collaboration
- Expectations
- Edutainer
How do you tear down the walls of the fiefdom?
- Establish a relationship with another teacher.
- Videotape yourself
- Discuss practice
- Interdisciplinary units
Observation of another
- Set up a reciprocal arrangement
- Agree to the ground rules and norms of observation.
Center the Observation and discussion around observable characteristics:
Observable Characteristics of Effective Teachers
- Begins class promptly and in a well-organized way.
- Treats students with respect and caring.
- Provides the significance/importance of information to be learned.
- Provides clear explanations.
- Holds attention and respect of students, practices effective classroom management.
- “Studium Discendi Voluntate Quae Cogi Non Potest Constat.” – Marcus Fabius Quintilianus
- Uses active, hands-on student learning.
- Varies his/her instructional techniques.
- Provides clear, specific expectations for assignments.
- Provides frequent and immediate feedback to students on their performance. Praises student answers and uses probing questions to clarify/elaborate answers.
- Provides many concrete, real life, practical examples.
- Draws inferences from examples/models and uses analogies.
- Creates a class environment which is comfortable for students….allows students to speak freely.
- Teaches at an appropriately fast pace, stopping to check student understanding and engagement.
- Communicates at the level of all students in class.
- Has a sense of humor!
- Uses nonverbal behavior, such as gestures, walking around, and eye contact to reinforce his/her comments.
- Presents him/herself in class as “real people.”
- Focuses on the class objective and does not let class get sidetracked.
- Uses feedback from students (and others) to assess and improve teaching.
- Reflects on own teaching to improve it
National Middle School Association Standards
- NMSA standards and guidelines could be turned into observation statements and used to help assess teacher performance.
- What if we took a snapshot of ourselves as teachers from the viewpoint of the stakeholders?
- Survey Administrators, Parents, Students, and Teachers.
- Survey Prototypes: Listed as “Dispositional Inventories”
- The Ohio Middle School Association’s Annual Conference, February 21-22, 2008 in Columbus, Ohio (
- Sample of session topics:
- Dealing with difficult people, Ed. Vittardi
- Because You Teach, Monte Selby (Keynote)
- NMSA Toolkit, John Swaim
- Effective Collaboration Practices, J. Wilson
- Enhanced Leadership: The Principal’s Role as a Change Agent, D. Major
- Podcasting: A Creative Hook to Master the Achievement Tests, H. Grunenberg
- Starting RTI at the Middle Level, B. Kermayner
- Transescent Transitions to Middle School, S. McGirr (Magnolia Room, Session III 1:45 – 2:45 p.m.)
- Engage ’em, Assess ’em, … and Watch ’em Achieve: The Classroom Performance System, D. Delaney
- Sample of session topics:
- The Michigan Association of Middle School Educators, March 13-14, 2008 in Saline, Michigan. (
- Japanese Scientists put a camera in a brain!
- What I could do with this ….
- Michigan Joint Education Conference, July 25, 2008 (
- Presenters wanted on interdisciplinary education topics.