MSM 630: No Boobs, Butts, or Bellies!


Shawn and Troy talk about conferences, H5P, summer, and more. Dave sets the goal on Science education. 


To develop massive thighs all you need to do is diddly squat. 

A survey you fill out after staying in a motel is an…

  • Innput.

A truck loaded with Vicks Vaporub overturned on the highway. Amazingly, there was no congestion for eight hours.

Tomorrow is the day that I really start procrastinating.

Did you hear about the submarine industry? 

  • It really took a dive…

Statistically 6 out of 7 dwarfs aren’t happy…

Librarians operate by the book.

Don’t buy flowers at a monastery. Because only you can prevent florist friars.

Does ke$ha go by k€sha in Europe?

Individual riding a unicycle past a sign reading: "No Bicycle Riding, Rollerblading, Rollerskating,Skateboarding, Scooter Riding".

Sign with a Red circle and diagonal line through the image of a person standing  on or in front of a a rectangle with odd pieces cut out. There are some irregular shaped pieces on the bottom. (*We have no idea what this sign is trying to convey)

A five panel comic featuring an elderly lady and a young girl. 
Panel One: 
Girl: Where Am I? What happend to me? 
Lady: Not Where, My Dear, When...14
Panel 2: 
Lady: You couldn't wait to be a teenager...How does it feel? 
Girl: Um...Awkward
Panel 3:
Lady: Like being too old for trick-or-treating, but no old enough for real life?
Girl: Yeah
Panel 4: 
Girl: I feel sad and happy...Shy and Gold, all at the same time...And..And...Boy....
Lady: That's the Horomones Boilin'
Panel 5: 
Girl: Ok...I don't think I Like It Very Much...
Lady: Then We better Keep Moving
Aside at the bottom says, "To Be Movingly Continued!"

Top image of Luke Skywalker with the text "Why did the movies come out 4,5,6, 1.2.3?
Bottom image of Yoda with the text, "In charge of scheduling, I was."

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

K12Science Podcast: Goal of Science Education

I was recently reading the book, “Transformative Science Teaching: A Catalyst for Justice and Sustainability,” written by Daniel Morales-Doyle.

In this book, Daniel challenges the goal of science education.

Reports from the Front Lines

  • PSU (PowerSchool University)
    • Formatted Presentations
    • Multiple Screens
    • SWAG – Give Aways
  • H5P
  • Shawn’s Upgraded Laptop
    • Multiple screen use
  • Back to School Parent Communication

The Social Web

Susie Dent  @susie_dent

Niche tweet, but if we’re talking about impossible situations, the expression ‘between the devil and the deep blue sea’ began as a bold translation of a Latin proverb ‘a fronte praecipitium, a tergo lupi’: literally ‘a precipice in front, wolves behind’.

Word of the day is ‘ultra-crepidate’ (19th century): to comment at length on a subject you know virtually nothing about.

D2L  @D2L

Reflecting on #D2LFusion 2024! A global gathering shaping the future of education with participants from 16+ countries. From D2L Lumi to H5P Group, we’re advancing learning innovation. Explore:  

EducationInvestor Global  @EduInvestor

Norway: D2L acquires ed tech firm H5P Group


You asked for it: My view on “#D2L all in on #H5P 



Economic lessons and activities for the middle school classroom from the St. Louis Federal Reserve.  Free sign up, link your classroom to the activities.  To access Econ Lowdown:  Visit the following URL:

National History Day

Each year, students around the world discover history through National History Day® (NHD) by creating historical research projects. Through the process, students develop skills in communication, project management, and historical thinking.

Michigan Youth In Government

Time to plan for your Youth in Government projects!

Michigan Social Studies Olympiad

Time to plan for your Olympiad!

AXIS The Culture Translator

Nobody Wants to BeReal

What it is: An article in The Free Press documents the rise and fall of the social media app BeReal, examining why it never took off the way it could have.

Web Spotlight: 

Informative Images

Informative images convey a simple concept or information that can be expressed in a short phrase or sentence. The text alternative should convey the meaning or content that is displayed visually, which typically isn’t a literal description of the image.

In some situations a detailed literal description may be needed, but only when the content of the image is all or part of the conveyed information. Whether to treat an image as informative or decorative is a judgment that authors make, based on the reason for including the image on the page.

Part of ADA compliance responsibility

Brickfield Labs Tips Cube:   

Random Thoughts . . .  

Lithuania “Century of Song” Celebration

“Lithuania’s very first Song Festival was organised exactly 100 years ago in Kaunas. Then it lasted for two days – and the centennial event this June will continue a whole week. The programme includes 14 events, all of them part of the long and ever-growing tradition.”

Music:  and  

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