MSM 631: At Work, But Not Working


Shawn and Troy share some jokes, middle school endorsements, and more. Dave gets us thinking about Science education, the why, and the cost.  


Elton John’s E-reader was swept up in a tornado…like a kindle in the wind

Three people turned up to play the part of The Cloud.

  • It was overcast.

It was an easy move from installing air conditioning units to being a Chief Information Officer.

  • Both jobs are all about losing efficiency when people start opening windows.

Just bought a boomerang from a ghost.

  • That’ll come back to haunt me.

I’m an American Sign Language interpreter, so for me, every single job is a near Deaf experience.

What’s the difference between gray and grey?

  • One is a color and the other is a colour.

People saying ‘boo! to their friends has risen by 85% in the last year…. 

  • That’s a frightening statistic.

I made a playlist for hiking. It has music from Peanuts, The Cranberries, and Eminem. 

  • I call it my Trail Mix.

Scientists finally did a study on forks. 

  • It’s about tine!

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

K12Science Podcast:  Why Teach Science?

I was recently reading the book, “Transformative Science Teaching: A Catalyst for Justice and Sustainability,” written by Daniel Morales-Doyle.

In this book, Daniel looks at two questions:

  • “Why teach science?”
  • “How does my teaching reflect the world in which my students live and project the world they would like to see?” 

Why Shawn does Science:  

Reports from the Front Lines

The Social Web

Susie Dent  @susie_dent

Word of the day is ‘forslug’ (14th century): to neglect something important, or squander a good deal of time, through sheer sluggishness.  

A few smiles, dictionary-style, for those in need: the collective noun for penguins on land is a ‘waddle’, eggs were once known as ‘cacklefarts’, someone in a bad mood would be described as ‘ill-willy’ (or worse, ‘evil-willy’), and to be totally bewildered was to be ‘bumfuzzled’.

Rick Wormeli @rickwormeli2

Yes! Middle School has significant impact on future success — The Middle Matters  via  @ASCD

ZUM-Apps  @ZUMApps

Super creative! Who wants to be a millionaire as #H5P #GAMEMAP of @floriandagner

as a template for more #Gamification ! This is the #H5PWorkflow collection Gamification with H5P Thanks for sharing! #OER #OERde #moodle #freieBildung

𝗧𝗖𝗘𝗔  Next Up: AI for EDU Conference  @TCEA

Evaluate your resources with this easy-to-remember acronym: CRAAP! Currency Relevance Accuracy Authority Purpose via Sequoia High School Media Center #mschat #hschat #teachertwitter


How Actors Remember Their Lines

In describing how they remember their lines, actors are telling us an important truth about memory.

Actors face the demanding task of learning their lines with great precision, but they rarely do so by rote repetition. They did not, they said, sit down with a script and recite their lines until they knew them by heart.

Repeating items over and over, called maintenance rehearsal, is not the most effective strategy for remembering. Instead, actors engage in elaborative rehearsal, focusing their attention on the meaning of the material and associating it with information they already know.

…actors search for meaning in the script, rather than memorizing lines.

Script lines are carefully analyzed to understand the character’s motivation. This deep understanding of a script is achieved by actors asking goal-directed questions, such as “Am I angry with her when I say this?”

At the age of 58, John Basinger began studying this poem as a form of mental activity to accompany his physical activity at the gym, each time adding more lines to what he had already learned. Eight years later, he had committed the entire poem to memory, reciting it over three days. When I tested him at age 74, giving him randomly drawn couplets from the poem and asking him to recite the next ten lines, his recall was nearly flawless. Yet, he did not accomplish this feat through mindless repetition. In the course of studying the poem, he came to a deep understanding of Milton.

9 Habit-Stacking Tips for Low-Key Summer Prep

  • Habit Stack #1: Visualize the upcoming year.
  • Habit Stack #2: Identify specific, doable sanity savers.
  • Habit Stack #3: Prioritize one goal.
  • Habit Stack #4: Reach out to a teaching buddy.
  • Habit Stack #5: Note the good things.
  • Habit Stack #6: Do some homework (but not too much).
  • Habit Stack #7: Learn names.
  • Habit Stack #8: Create friction for distraction.
  • Habit Stack #9: Practice self-compassion.


Want to spur your child’s intellectual development? Use audiobooks instead of videos, says researcher

Listening to audiobooks requires children to focus and pay attention to the spoken word, promoting the development of listening skills.

Audiobooks are a valuable tool for expanding a child’s vocabulary and enhancing language skills

National Elections are in November.  Keep up with the current polls across the country with ‘s Electoral College map.  He updates it very frequently and it is a good visual to help students understand how the Electoral College works.  

Magna Carta:  Cornerstone of the Constitution

Web Spotlight:


The Hersey-Blanchard Model (pictured above) identifies four distinct leadership styles that instructional coaches and principals can employ when working with teachers. Each style combines different levels of directive and supportive behaviors to meet the needs of teachers at various stages of development.

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