MSM 646: Not A Drone


Shawn and Troy discuss Moodle Update, Greek God Projects, Drones, and more. Dave asks “Why”?


We all know Albert Einstein was a genius

  • but his brother Frank was a monster.

I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went.

  • Then it dawned on me.

Werewolves are notoriously hard to find…

  • Otherwise they’d be known as Therewolves.

My movie about the ceasefire…

  • Is on its last day of shooting.

What kind of bug can you wear?

  • A Yellow Jacket

What do you call it when the crew gives the Captain the silent treatment?

  • A Muteny

Did you know that now is a good time to buy Angel’s Wings?

  • There on Clarence

It’s time for people to stop looking up and complaining every night. 

  • There’s no reason to DRONE on and on about it.
  • I won all the trophies at the Janitor Association Awards.
  • It was a clean sweep.

wife texts here husband "Can you start cooking those sausages? Then added <3 as a cute heart. He cooked 2 sausages.

Door with a sign that says "Test Today". Kids discussing whether the it's an actual test, a pre-test, a practice test, a post test to the pretest, etc.

Middle School Science Minute  

by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or

K12Science Podcast:  Asking Why

Recently, I had the pleasure of reading the November-December 2024 issue of “The Science Teacher,” a journal published by the National Science Teaching Association.

Within this issue, I encountered the “Right to the Source” section, authored by Michael Apfeldorft. His article, titled “Joyfully Asking Why,” provided insightful information on a list of questions compiled by Carl Sagan and his wife, author/producer Ann Druyan.

In the mid-1990’s, Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan conceived of an interesting way to help young learners confidently ask questions and think about the world around them.  Carl and Ann compiled a list of 150 questions to develop a book series, where the title of each book would begin simply with the word WHY?   To download this manuscript of questions, please, visit:

Reports from the Front Lines

  • Break Plans
  • How Did You Handle the Day Before Break
  • Sweets!

The Social Web

Susie Dent  @susie_dent

Word of the day is ‘apanthropist’ (18th century): someone who dislikes company and desires to be left alone.


Happy Holidays from NJAMLE! We wish everyone a wonderful and restful break and a Happy New Year!


Figen  @TheFigen_

So smart Grandma.  

‪Bronwyn Desjardins‬ ‪@bronwynwrite‬

Just leaving this here #EduSky

Students need to read books. Entire books. Our society is distracted, unfocused, and in a hurry. A curriculum that rushes through content perpetuates the anxiety of our time.

Glow Scot  @GlowScot

Looking to create a Christmas quiz for your learners? You can make your own quizzes for learners to complete using H5P in #GlowScot Blogs! Take a look at these examples for some ideas!  @H5PTechnology   #glowspotlight

Rebecca Gulka‪‬

“No, but Rebecca, Google just told me that penguins are mammals’ is why I teach literacy, ok

Matt Wolfe  @mreflow

We’ve been seeing a lot of amazing video models over the past couple weeks from the big companies. But let’s talk about open-source for a minute. LTX Video is generating 5-second videos and it’s taking only 4-seconds to generate them… And you can do that locally on a consumer-grade RTX 4090 GPU! It’s especially good at image-to-video conversion. …And because it’s open-source, the community is helping to improve upon it and iterate off of it, so we’re only going to see this model get better and better. LTX Studio is an ongoing partner and sponsor of mine and I’m super excited to see what they, and the open-source community, build with this technology!


Gateway to Grammar: Question Tags – What Are They and How Do They Work?



Useful for collecting information for scheduling. AND, can also collect information in a grid. Privacy forward. Open-source.

Python that runs in the browser

Web Spotlight:

No Phones?! Now What? Catching Kids’ Attention

The carbon impact of artificial intelligence

Random Thoughts . . .  

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